Membership Options

Volunteers are essential to the operation of the Ōtaki Toy Library. Without them we are not able to run our Saturday Sessions. Becoming a volunteer means committing to 4 shifts per year, 1 per quarter. You are able to pick which Saturday, or Wednesday, suits you best before the start of each quarter. Volunteers also enjoy a discounted membership for the contribution of their time during the year, and on every rostered shift are able to hire a toy for free as way of thanks.

A rostered shift involves:

  • Working with a Co-ordinator & 2 other volunteers
  • Helping setup before, and pack up after the session
  • Welcoming members and visitors to the toy library
  • Loaning toys members
  • Helping with the return of toys - checking all the parts of the toy are present & in working order, and that the toy is in good, clean condition
  • Putting returned toys back not the shelves

Volunteers are welcome to bring their kids along for the session too.


We offer four types of yearly membership: Volunteer, and non-volunteer membership, and a half-price concession of both if you have a Community Services Card or a Gold Card.

All members pay the same for toy hire, and overdue charges if applicable.

Volunteer Membership - Standard

$25 /yr, includes 4 volunteer shifts (one per quarter)

Volunteer Membership - Consession*

$12.50 /yr, includes 4 volunteer shifts (one per quarter)

Non-Volunteer Membership - Standard

$80 /yr

Non-Volunteer Membership - Consession*

$40 /yr


*Gold Card or Community Services Card must be presented when joining or renewing your membership