246: Giant marble run (plastic)

Giant marble run (plastic) photo
Info! Toy can be reserved.
  • Category: 2
  • No Pieces: 126
  • Age: 3 year olds
  • Rent: $2.00
  • Storage: : Plastic container


This marble run is made with a lot of mini marbles rolling on it, it makes a satisfying noise as the marbles are finding their way down the run


55x purple glitter cylinder pieces
5x pink round collector pieces
6x green round collector pieces
6x blue round collector pieces
3x orange round collector pieces
6x pink stop/start pieces with pink flap
1x pink stop/start pieces with orange flap
2x orange stop/start pieces with orange flap
1x blue stop/start pieces with orange flap
3x orange channels, curved
5x orange channels, straight
6x yellow channels, straight
6x pink channels, curved
5x blue channels, curved
6x green channels, straight
10x marbles

Tags: marbles, maze, puzzle, gross motor